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About Us

Sep 1986 – the dream in the young minds of the founders to form a public accounting firm fructified with Sundar Srini & Sridhar getting formed and registered by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. More than 30 years have passed by since then. We have grown steadily from a single shared room in Chennai to 4 large offices across Southern India – Chennai, Bengaluru, Kochi and Hyderabad.
With experienced professionals from industry and highly motivated young chartered accountants joining the firm as partners, the partnership has grown to ten partners. SSS team has grown over the years in size to effectively deliver a wide spectrum of services to our ever growing list of clients and it includes Chartered Accountants, Management Accountants, Information Security Auditors and Management Consultants with rich experience.
Since inception, we had the fortune of serving varied business sectors, both manufacturing and services. Even in the initial years our professional services went beyond audits and assurance, to include specialised services like information systems design, cost management and management consulting. While our services encompass the entire spectrum of business lifecycle with practical and implementable Solutions, we always focussed on the quality of service and strived to achieve Perfection. We adopted information technology and computers quite early in our professional journey which has given us the edge to deliver technology enabled solutions and services in this new era of digital transformation. We understand the Technology quite well but understand the Business better.
While we always delivered a wide array of business Solutions with the underlying passion for Perfection, we built our edifice on unshakable ethical and moral Values. Truth, Confidentiality, Neutrality, Honesty, Integrity, Transparency and Equanimity are the building blocks of our wall of Values.
Sundar Srini & Sridhar is certified by the Peer Review Board of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and has been empanelled for Central Statutory Audit of Public Sector Banks by the Comptroller & Auditor General of India (CAGI).
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